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Zeta potential Analyzer

A zeta potential analyzer measures the zeta potential, i.e. the electric potential (also called Coulomb potential) at the shear layer of a moving particle in a suspension or emulsion. The electric potential describes the ability of a field (caused by a charge) to exert force on other charges; the difference of the electric potential at two locations is the electric voltage.

Zeta potential Analyzer
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A zeta potential analyzer measures the zeta potential, i.e. the electric potential (also called Coulomb potential) at the shear layer of a moving particle in a suspension or emulsion. The electric potential describes the ability of a field (caused by a charge) to exert force on…
A zeta potential analyzer measures the zeta potential, i.e. the electric potential (also called Coulomb potential) at the shear layer…


The following suppliers offer Zeta potential Analyzer products.

  • Avantor - VWR International GmbH
  • Anton Paar Germany GmbH
  • 3P Instruments GmbH & Co. KG
  • Postnova Analytics GmbH
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