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XRF / X-ray fluorescence

X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), also called X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (RFS), is a method from materials analysis based on X-ray fluorescence. It is one of the most frequently used methods for the qualitative and quantitative determination of the elemental composition of a sample, since the samples are not destroyed by the measurement and no digestion is required. It is used particularly widely in the metalworking industry, in the analysis of glass, ceramics and building materials, and in the analysis of lubricants and petroleum products. The detection limit is about one microgram per gram (ppm).

XRF / X-ray fluorescence
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X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), also called X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (RFS), is a method from materials analysis based on X-ray fluorescence. It is one of the most frequently used methods for the qualitative and quantitative determination of the elemental composition of a sample, since the samples are…
X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF), also called X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (RFS), is a method from materials analysis based on X-ray fluorescence.…


The following suppliers offer XRF / X-ray fluorescence products.

  • Avantor - VWR International GmbH
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