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Western Blotting

Western blot refers to the transfer (blotting) of proteins onto a carrier membrane, which can then be detected via immunological reactions. The transfer can be performed in different ways: by diffusion, capillary action or electrophoresis. Western blot is used in biochemical and medical research as well as in diagnostics, making it one of the most widely used protein analytical methods. The Western blot belongs to the group of immunoblots.

Western Blotting
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Western blot refers to the transfer (blotting) of proteins onto a carrier membrane, which can then be detected via immunological reactions. The transfer can be performed in different ways: by diffusion, capillary action or electrophoresis. Western blot is used in biochemical and medical research as well…
Western blot refers to the transfer (blotting) of proteins onto a carrier membrane, which can then be detected via immunological…


The following suppliers offer Western Blotting products.

  • Avantor - VWR International GmbH
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH
  • GRP GmbH
  • LubioScience GmbH
  • Lucerna-Chem AG
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
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