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A vortex mixer or simply vortexer (also tube shaker) is a small shaking device for everyday laboratory use, especially in biological and biochemical laboratories. Solutions contained in reaction vessels (e.g. Eppendorf cups, Erlenmeyer flasks, microtiter plates) can be thoroughly mixed with this device. To do this, the reaction vessel is pressed onto the shaker attachment, a rubber trough on top of the device. Depending on the setting of the vortex, it now begins to mix the reaction mixture by vibrating. Common speed ranges extend up to 2500 min-1. In addition to the strength of the vibration, the operating mode can also be set: continuous operation or short-time operation. In short-time operation, the unit is not operated until the rubber trough is pressed down. With most devices, it is possible to use reaction vessels between 1.5 ml and 50 ml in volume.

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A vortex mixer or simply vortexer (also tube shaker) is a small shaking device for everyday laboratory use, especially in biological and biochemical laboratories. Solutions contained in reaction vessels (e.g. Eppendorf cups, Erlenmeyer flasks, microtiter plates) can be thoroughly mixed with this device. To do this,…
A vortex mixer or simply vortexer (also tube shaker) is a small shaking device for everyday laboratory use, especially in…


The following suppliers offer Vortex products.

  • Avantor - VWR International GmbH
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH
  • Labor-Pilz Labor- und Industriebedarf e.K
  • LubioScience GmbH
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
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