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Protective masks

Protective masks are used to protect the face or parts of it (eyes, nose, etc.) and the respiratory organs. They provide mechanical protection against injuries or, as filter masks or fresh air masks, partial or complete protection against gases, vapors, liquid mists, coarse and respirable fine dusts (dust mask) and pathogens contained therein, as well as against nuisance odors. Depending on the area of application or requirements, different types of masks are used and are divided into the following types: – Everyday mask (makeshift fabric mask, community mask), no standardized product, quality varies greatly. – Medical Mouth-Nose-Protection (MNS) (EN 14683) – FFP2 mask without exhalation valve (EN 149), N95 mask – FFP3 mask without exhalation valve (EN149) – FFP3 mask with exhalation valve (EN 149) – Fan assisted hoods or helmets (EN 12941 and EN12942)

Protective masks
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Protective masks are used to protect the face or parts of it (eyes, nose, etc.) and the respiratory organs. They provide mechanical protection against injuries or, as filter masks or fresh air masks, partial or complete protection against gases, vapors, liquid mists, coarse and respirable fine…
Protective masks are used to protect the face or parts of it (eyes, nose, etc.) and the respiratory organs. They…


The following suppliers offer Protective masks products.

  • Avantor - VWR International GmbH
  • Labor-Pilz Labor- und Industriebedarf e.K
  • NeW-Gloves e.K.
  • Th. Geyer GmbH & Co. KG
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