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Cells - Primary Cells

Primary cells are cells isolated from a previously intact organ or tissue. Primary cells can be obtained by various methods such as emzymatic degradation of a dissociated tissue. Compared to permanent cell lines, which are established and immortalized, primary cells have the advantage that they reflect much better the in vivo behavior of the cells.

Cells - Primary Cells
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Primary cells are cells isolated from a previously intact organ or tissue. Primary cells can be obtained by various methods such as emzymatic degradation of a dissociated tissue. Compared to permanent cell lines, which are established and immortalized, primary cells have the advantage that they reflect…
Primary cells are cells isolated from a previously intact organ or tissue. Primary cells can be obtained by various methods…


The following suppliers offer Cells - Primary Cells products.

  • Avantor - VWR International GmbH
  • LubioScience GmbH
  • BIOZOL Diagnostica Vertrieb GmbH
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