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Shaker general

A shaker is used for uniform mixing of liquid samples or reagents. There are various designs of shakers for the laboratory. In flat-bed shakers, Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers are kept in constant motion by shaking and/or circular movements of the horizontal support, thereby mixing the liquid contents. In overhead shakers, round-bottomed flasks sealed with stoppers are firmly clamped and slowly rotated overhead via a horizontal axis so that the contents of the flasks are continuously mixed. As special shakers, laboratory shakers are primarily used in laboratories for research, bio-chemistry, molecular & micro-biology, pharmacy, medicine or in the food industry and environmental analysis. In biotechnology, bacteriology, virology, medical diagnostics or analytics, laboratory shakers are frequently used for the cultivation of microorganisms, tissue and cell cultures as well as the preparation of soil or water samples for wastewater and sludge analysis. A wide range of different attachments are available to easily adapt the shakers to a variety of laboratory applications.

Shaker general
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A shaker is used for uniform mixing of liquid samples or reagents. There are various designs of shakers for the laboratory. In flat-bed shakers, Erlenmeyer flasks or beakers are kept in constant motion by shaking and/or circular movements of the horizontal support, thereby mixing the liquid…
A shaker is used for uniform mixing of liquid samples or reagents. There are various designs of shakers for the…


The following suppliers offer Shaker general products.

  • Avantor - VWR International GmbH
  • Beckman Coulter GmbH
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories GmbH
  • Eppendorf
  • Flow Robotics
  • Infors GmbH
  • Labor-Pilz Labor- und Industriebedarf e.K
  • Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH
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