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Find suppliers :

  1. Enter the first letters of the product / brand you are looking for in the search field or open the corresponding directory.
    A selection will appear in the search field after just a few letters.
  2. Select and confirm.
  3. The informative product page / brand page opens. Here you will see the available suppliers, as well as a brief description and exciting products from the LabFinder SHOP at a glance.

Send your request to the suppliers :

  1. Available suppliers of your selected product or brand are displayed.
  2. Use  to get detailed information about the supplier.
  3. Open the request form with the button “Start request to supplier”.
  4. Select the suppliers you would like to send your request to.
  5. Fill out the form with your question, needs and your contact details. 
  6. You’re able to add a attachment.
  7. To receive a copy of your request, just activate this option.
  8. By sending, your request will be send directly to the selected suppliers.
  9. The related suppliers get back to you directly.
User Guide

All functions explained at a glance.

Take a look at our user guide now.



Since when does exist? for Switzerland went online in October 2019. 
In January 2021 for Germany was launched and went online.

Which team is behind LabFinder?

The company LabFinder GmbH
Founder and Deputy Managing Director André Lauper
Managing Director, Finances Stefanie Lauper
Marketing Manager Karla Lattmann
Investor and Partner Oliver Berger

How is LabFinder financed ?

LabFinder and its service is financed by an annual fee from the activated suppliers, as well as by income from advertising options.

What's new?

New features, product categories, brands and other relevant changes are available in the release notes.


What happens to my request?

Your request will be automatically and exclusively forwarded to the providers you have selected. Immediately and without delay.

Can suppliers see who else has received the request?

No, the supplier cannot see who else you have sent the request to.
You select the providers you want to request. Each supplier receives the request individually from you without distribution list information.

What happens to the data I provide when I make a request?

Your data will only be used to enable your request.
To do this, we need to send your request, including the necessary contact details, to the suppliers you have selected.
You will find more detailed information in our Privacy Policy.

Why do I have to give my name and email address when making a request ?

This information is required so that the suppliers can contact you after receiving your request.
Your telephone number and other information can be provided optionally.

How do I receive answers to my request?

You will receive the answers and reactions directly from the respective suppliers.

What's up with the inactive suppliers?

These suppliers may have the product you are looking for in their range, but are not registered as a member of LabFinder and therefore cannot be contacted directly due to the lack of data matching.

Why can I send my request only to active suppliers, but not to inactive ones?

A data check and data confirmation was performed for active suppliers.
Inactive suppliers are not official members of LabFinder, data confirmation has not taken place. Therefore, there is no confirmed contact information to transfer your request to the right place.

I cannot find the product I am looking for, what can I do?

If you know the brand, please select the request by brand instead of by product category. This works well for consumables, for example.

Are there any costs involved in using LabFinder, searching for suppliers and sending requests?

No, the use of LabFinder is free of charge.


I am not activated as a provider, how can I sign up?

Please contact us. We will gladly inform you about the further procedure.

What happens after successful activation on LabFinder?

You get immediate access to your own password-protected supplier account. In the supplier account, you can enter your data and your product range and manage them independently at any time. Adjustments are applied live and without delay.
Via the supplier account you can also post product offers in the LabFinder Shop.
In addition, you have a detailed overview of requests received as well as monitoring functions that show you how often you have been suggested as a supplier or how often your advertising banners have been displayed.

My assortment or my data have changed, how do I proceed?

You can manage your data independently via your supplier account and adjust it at any time.

How can I display my product offers in the LabFinder Shop?

Via your supplier account, you can easily place your products in the LabFinder Shop and manage or adjust them at any time.

How do requests from potential customers reach me?

Of course, not every user uses the inquiry form at LabFinder, but recognizes the providers and contacts them independently.
However, the requests of users who use the convenience of a direct request via LabFinder, you will automatically receive immediately and without delay to the contact email address you have stored in their profile.
In addition, all requests are always displayed in your supplier account.

There are missing product categories or brands, which I have in my assortment, what to do ?

Please get in contact with us.
We will be happy to add further products and brands to LabFinder after a check.

Are there any fees or charges for an order based on Labfinder?

No, there are no fees or charges.
LabFinder establishes the connection between customer and supplier, the further process takes place directly between you and the potential customer.

Can I place additional advertising?

Yes, you have the possibility to display a banner on the start page or also on the respective product and brand pages and thus additionally draw attention to yourself or your offer and your innovations.
Please contact us for this purpose.

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